Today was a day of catching up on things, some relaxing with the girls, house cleaning and editing. As much as the girls love being busy they also enjoy those down days. Abby begged for a good couple of hours at points to break out the Yummy Playdoh my sister gave them last time she was visiting. She is having trouble taking no for an answer these days. I have been telling her that it is for a rainy day because it is messy. Well, what do you know, the wind picked up and rain drops fell from the sky just for Abby to play with her Yummy Playdoh. The phone rang at one point and when I came around the corner this is what I found Abby doing. Needless to say, she complained of a tummy ache later. This play doh really was yummy but needed to be baked and she ate way too much. Poor thing :(.

I had to include one with Madison. She enjoyed the yummy playdoh too, just not as much.

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