Another busy day. Our second day into Abby's dance class for the week. Today her exhaustion caught up with her and she was not quite as enthused about dancing as she was the day before. We had a mellow afternoon and she put herself to bed at 7:15pm this evening after a small fight to brush her teeth. She hates getting her teeth brushed, won't have anything to do with it if she had her way...on the other hand, Madison will fight us not to.
Here is a snap of her excited to go to the dance studio. Madison was not so impressed as she got woken from a deep slumber so I could drop Abby off.

Below is a self portrait from this afternoon. Look at those small pipes on me! My sister pointed it out recently and I never noticed before . I guess carting an over 20 lb toddler around and all the lifting and bending has it's benefits for someone who hasn't made it to the gym since before her first daughter was born. I am working on day ;). I want to feel better overall and know that there is always room for improvement. The last time I attempted a good run my chest was burning fire which was very discouraging. I have been blessed with a slim build and fast metabolism but really it is what is on the inside that counts the most.

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