Exactly 4 years ago I was at the Oshawa Lakeridge Health hospital having some pretty painful contractions, gearing up to deliver my first baby girl. It wasn't until the early evening that the doctor suggested I deliver via c-section 32 hours after being induced and only dilating 4cm. I was exhausted by that point, in much pain and waiting on an epidural that I decided I REALLY wanted and agreed without hesitation when asked. I took lamaze classes with my obliging husband before this and had my birth plan set but did have realistic expectations since we knew our baby was of a large size due to gestational diabetes. She was brought into this world at around 8pm. I was a blur of emotion and drugs but the most amazing feeling of all was the strong and overwhelming feeling of love I had for her when I heard her first cry and saw her for the first time. The feeling was so strong that up until that point I don't think I have loved someone more in my lifetime until she came along. You will be amazed at how much your heart grows when you have children. Our second daughter opened my heart up even more.
Today we were planning on doing something fun with the girls but my daughter was so excited for her special day that she woke up way too early and all tears looking for her Hello Kitty outfit that was in the wash. Poor thing was so disappointed to learn that it was a day with just us and not another party day. She enjoyed playing with all of her new toys and spending time with her daddy who is on vacation this week though.

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