I woke up on my own for a change today waiting for one of our two to either cry or come bursting in wanting my attention this morning. When the realization clicked in that they were still at Grandma and Grandpa's for their sleepover visit I closed my eyes again and slept another 30 minutes. Being able to wake up at your leisure is so easily taken for granted before kids. I think that is one of the reasons in life that teenagers are prone to sleeping in all weekend...to try to soak it all in before they have families! We both enjoyed a lazy morning of puttering about doing tasks that would otherwise be put on hold and never be done with children around. I got to sort some client photos and frame new personal photos. I feel like I got quite a bit accomplished before my afternoon filled up with children. Tonight, my husband and I celebrate 5 years of marriage. A day early, but that is the nature of babysitting and planning in advance.

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