Carpe diem! I will steer away from my computer after this entry until nap time and get out for a walk to smell the flowers this morning and tackle my to do list of non computer related business. I have the power to control how my day goes. It will be a good one and lived as though it is my last!!! Ha! With kids, that doesn't always work as well as I would like. It is a roller coaster ride of mood swings that are either up and happy high or down with tears and upsets no matter what we have planned for the day. Not a lot of in between. Abby has already had a temper tantrum when I tried to go in her room to pick out an outfit for her. She is acting like a teen already and doesn't want her sister in there or me now :(. It is terrible. I can see it in the near future...a sign that says "STAY OUT" posted to her door (shhhh, no ideas please). We got her a nice bunk bed this year, a new desk for her future homework and this is how she repays us. The bunk beds were more for the idea that maybe the girls can share a room one day and we might gain a spare bedroom and I am not sure how well that will be received the way she is already acting.
4.5 hours later....
I love her to the moon and back and more and will always but she sure does test my patience! I have to laugh at my earlier entry from this morning. I tried, I really did try to seize the day, but today I already want to rewind and start over. I finally got one of my girls down for a nap and the other is actually playing quietly and nicely by herself for now, but this is after the turmoils and follies from this morning and my head is pounding from a mishap that involved Abby jumping while I was lifting her almost taking my head off in the process and then acting silly and talking back to me with a sassy attitude. My goodness, if this is a taste for the future teenage years I am in for it. I really wish there was a nanny McPhee to becon to our house and straighten her up some days.
Here is a pic from this mornings walk and another awesome treasure find! I think I will need a set of newborn twins to try this out on in the future!! In the mean time, the girls LOVE it and have claimed it for their dolls and barbies. I will have to borrow it from them ;).

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