Today has been stifling hot and humid. The girls and I enjoyed a morning at the splash pad in Ajax Rotary park with friends. I decided not to bring the camera along this time. I was wilting but grateful for the soft, cool wind off the lake. Both girls gave me a 15 minute break today after I unloaded their sleepy little selves into their beds from the ride home and my afternoon has been full ever since. It has been one of those days where my thoughts are my own for seconds before the demands for attention, food, drinks, freezies, questions, etc. start up again. Right now I write this up for my sanity to get away for mere moments before getting dinner together. It is hit or miss with meal time these days and I can't wait until their little taste buds develop so I can start introducing more interesting food - not that I haven't tried again and again. So, while I prepare and type, I have been thinking of what type of photo to take as the light starts to fade behind the gloomy gray smoggy sky. I really hope that means rain is on its way to give us some relief from this heat....I managed to sneak out and snap a few photos after Matt got home before getting down to work on designing an album. I got some of the girls but with the lack of naps they were very miserable looking that I decided not to share them. Madison had the biggest temper tantrum yet and has learned to use the word "NO" a lot lately :(. I am not very happy about that, but at the same time, it does sound really cute in her tiny little voice.
Here are a couple of shots I got of an itsy bitsy spider busy building a web in our garden. I long for a macro lens, but my 50mm will have to do for now.

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