Friday, August 13th
That's right, Friday the 13th! If the superstition of this day is true, and I am not overly superstitious, then I have already had some bizarre and chaotic happenings around here that resulted in a mini panic attack. I haven't had one of those in years. After winding myself up to getting the house to perfection, the kids making a mess as I cleaned and then the dog rolled in cat poop when she escaped out the front for a romp around the neighborhood. She was so set on getting into the relatively clean and tidy house to stink it up with what I am pretty sure she thinks is the loveliest smelling aroma of pooh she has ever sniffed. Yuck! I am good now, calm and relaxed. Thank god for nap time and quiet time.
I can't believe that I left things to the last minute this year. Normally I have things planned a month to 2 weeks in advance and a cake ordered before hand. I can not top the awesome cake that we had last year. Abby has been so wishy-washy this year about what theme she wanted to go with. The themes she has come up with in the past few months (yes, months) that she has mentioned were: Tinkerbelle, Rock-a-bye Baby(?), SpiderMan, Princess and just 5 minutes ago she spewed out "Kid vs Cat", a show she that has become her fast favorite these days. That was not well received at all after I just spent 2 hours battling Whitby pedestrians, construction and a line up at ToysRUs getting party favors and a cake with the Tinkerbelle theme she supposedly committed to for the past two weeks. Oh child, harmless, innocent being, you know not what you say or do ;). I have to laugh. Really, it is cute. Thank goodness for Grandma stopping in today to take Abby out for some special one on one time and present shopping so I could do this running around and for taking the dog off my hands for the night. Abby loves her new shoes and outfit by the way!!
This is my break for the day. A drink of tea, a little blog post and I snuck outside to capture this silly image in tune with the theme of Abby's party. My mind couldn't come up with anything else for my 365 after this mornings fun. If I capture something more interesting in the mean time, I will post it instead.
HAPPY FRIDAY the 13th!!!