Just an ordinary day full of nerves for me under the surface. I snapped a couple of random shots of the girls enjoying their spaghetti lunch. They are just like I was when I was a kid. Everything had to be so plain and bland. No sauce on their spaghetti, but they sure do love parmesan cheese. As for my nerves...as some know, today was the big day to announce my first year anniversary contest winners. I had no idea how nerve racking doing this type of contest would be on my end. The past few days have had me on edge, checking in with my email, my FB page, etc. all throughout the day whenever I had a moment. It was a big success and I am glad I did it but will be doing things differently should I try another promotional contest again. I have really found that you can't please everyone. I tried, really, but I am not perfect and I am one person running this show with a young family to focus on.

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