Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
365 / Day 71 ~ Fall Promo Photo
I managed to get a snap of Madison sporting the most adorable knit owl hat from Crazy Baby Accessories this afternoon just before it rained. This hat and many more adorable baby items are available for purchase at Green Baby Clothing Company. This hat was given to me by Sarah the owner of Crazy Baby Accessories as part of my first year in business promotion. It will be given away to one lucky participant in the contest. I didn't want to publish this until after the contest was announced on October 5th but wanted to get caught up on my 365 project so I am getting it up here a night early ;). I am taking the photos for my project but life has its way of getting in the way of posting, especially on the weekends.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
365 / Day 70~ Sisters
I love these girls with all my heart! I caught the little one climbing on her big sister and giving her hugs and kisses so naturally, my camera is never far, I had to take some photos.

Sunday, September 26, 2010
365 / Day 68 ~ Lady Bug Bokeh
The very first lady bug of fall hitched a ride on my daughter into the house after she helped her daddy rake the leaves. She was fascinated by it and so tender. It was pretty determined to get back outside though so it isn't as sharp in this photo as I would have liked.

Saturday, September 25, 2010
365 / Day 67 ~ Pink
I almost missed my 365 again! When I saw my daughter playing before bed this evening, I wanted to freeze the moment. Just recently she has taken to playing with Barbie dolls. Before this year she had all the signs of a tom boy. She now loves princesses, barbies and Tinker Belle and is loving her dance classes that she started at the end of summer. If I were to give her a choice though, 9 times out of ten she would prefer to wear pants over a dress.

Thursday, September 23, 2010
365 / Day 66 ~ A day in the life of a dog
I captured this before retiring for the night. She looked so peaceful. She has the composure of a cat most of the day but will do laps around the back yard or bark relentlessly at anyone who dares walk in front of our house. She is such a good friend to us and a part of our family. The girls adore her.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
365 / Day 65 ~
It was a beautiful day for a walk this morning. The rain storm from last night caused the air to be quite humid in our home so fresh air was needed. I love all the colours of fall. Here are a couple of leaf shots as well as some portraits of me taken by my little photographer. At four years old, she managed to get some interesting angles. I had the camera set to the wrong ISO so they were blown out a bit but work in B&W.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
365 / Day 64 ~ Flower Art
I tried something different then my usual garden photos. I have a ton of these similar from this evening that I think I will include on Etsy when I finally get the time to post some work...time, ah, if only there were such thing as pause, rewind, ff, stop...

I kind of like how this one turned out. For those interested in photography and want to try a fun little experiment, set your aperture to f18 or f22 (the smallest opening of the camera) and play with different times to have the lens open for and move the lens in different directions around the object you are photographing or zooming in or out. The results are pretty neat and can be further enhanced with colour and saturation when post processing. This can also be done with point and shoots that have the manual feature minus the zoom option.

I kind of like how this one turned out. For those interested in photography and want to try a fun little experiment, set your aperture to f18 or f22 (the smallest opening of the camera) and play with different times to have the lens open for and move the lens in different directions around the object you are photographing or zooming in or out. The results are pretty neat and can be further enhanced with colour and saturation when post processing. This can also be done with point and shoots that have the manual feature minus the zoom option.
Monday, September 20, 2010
365 / Day 63 ~ Anyday Now
I enjoyed a visit with a close friend this afternoon. She is due with her third child in a couple of weeks which means she can go into labour any moment. I wanted to try out my umbrellas I found at the Ex last month and needed a 365 photo so she posed for a couple of minutes in our back yard for me. My bet is on a boy for this baby. Surprises are so great! The best part is, you get a sweet baby no matter what. I can't wait to meet him or her!

Sunday, September 19, 2010
365 / Day 62 ~ Pastel
I had some quiet moments to myself before a session at a beautiful location in Whitby. I couldn't resist photographing some of the beautiful gardens. Watching butterflies dancing amongst the flowers in the garden was very relaxing.

Friday, September 17, 2010
365 / Day 60 ~ Blue Grass Wonderland and Pretty Things
I find it so ironic that in my newborn sneak peek yesterday I boasted how I love photographing newborns and not having to stay up late at night with them...it bit me in the butt so to speak and our little one was up every 20 minutes to an hour, taking 15 minutes to lull back to sleep. Between myself and my husband taking turns, I think I got a total of 2 hours sleep. Needless to say, I am grouchy today. I managed to sneak outside and snap a few garden shots during nap time. Our little one has a temperature again today :(. My normally very happy girl is so lethargic and not herself at all. I hate to see her like this. I think a trip to the doctors is in order if it sticks around tomorrow.
Happy Friday everyone!! I hope that you all have a great weekend and lots of extra sleep!

Happy Friday everyone!! I hope that you all have a great weekend and lots of extra sleep!

Thursday, September 16, 2010
365 / Day 59 ~ Anonymous Photographer
Ack!! I look like my dad with long hair here!
I couldn't resist getting these in the Halloween section a couple of days ago at my daughter's request. On the way home she was in a snit and I managed to get her out of it by wearing the forgotten purchase...they not only had her giggling away but a couple of passers by as well. I think I might bring these along to sessions with toddlers. If all else fails they may come in handy to get their attention.

I forgot to take a photo for my 365 and remembered late this evening. I ran around the house trying to look for inspiration, kind of defeated until I sat down and these were beside me on the couch. I couldn't resist.
I couldn't resist getting these in the Halloween section a couple of days ago at my daughter's request. On the way home she was in a snit and I managed to get her out of it by wearing the forgotten purchase...they not only had her giggling away but a couple of passers by as well. I think I might bring these along to sessions with toddlers. If all else fails they may come in handy to get their attention.

I forgot to take a photo for my 365 and remembered late this evening. I ran around the house trying to look for inspiration, kind of defeated until I sat down and these were beside me on the couch. I couldn't resist.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
365 / Day 58 ~ Turning a New Leaf
Today was my daughters first day of school. She has been more then ready for it for the past few months. She was so happy to be with her friends and meet new friends that I didn't manage to get a photo of her on her own. I picked up this tiny leaf at the park. A symbol of fall. The leaves are starting to fall and schedules are tight. I love fall. It has the feeling of newness about it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
365 / Day 57 ~ A Little Fairy Dust?
My girls came downstairs this afternoon in these princess outfits all smiles. We decided to head out for an impromptu photo session, messy hair and all. Notice the chalk in Madison's hair. Abby was sprinkling some fairy dust on her to help her fly.

I'm cute and I know it!

Awww, this is what it is all about. The bond between sisters is an amazing thing to watch grow.

A few moments before they changed into these outfits I was stung by a wasp while gardening. My arm pit is still throbbing in pain from the assault. That will teach me to not wear a tank top this time of year. The wasps are out in full force these days. This didn't stop my girls from heading out in their bare feet for some fun as the suns rays started to cast a warm halo around them.

I'm cute and I know it!

A few moments before they changed into these outfits I was stung by a wasp while gardening. My arm pit is still throbbing in pain from the assault. That will teach me to not wear a tank top this time of year. The wasps are out in full force these days. This didn't stop my girls from heading out in their bare feet for some fun as the suns rays started to cast a warm halo around them.
365 / Day 56 ~ Time to Relax
Last weekend was spent prepping for our new big purchase! It arrived on Friday and we love it! I can feel the weight of the world shedding its heavy pounds off my shoulders already. All I have to say is, thank you for whoever invented layaway plans :). Hopefully we will have managed to knock it down to zero in half the time but irregardless, I am realizing after this year, life is too short to not enjoy the time we have on this earth. The girls love it!

Sunday, September 12, 2010
365 / Day 55 ~ Bringing in the Green
I decided it was time to bring all our indoor plants inside for the cooler weather today. I didn't realize how much I missed all the greenery in our home and already feel the air quality improving!

Friday, September 10, 2010
365 / Day 53 ~ Newborn Nest
I was excited to get a package in the mail yesterday, just in time for a newborn session this weekend! It is a "Newborn Nest" bean bag for my newborn baby photography. It is rather large and since I do not have a separate studio away from home to put it and we do not live in a large home it will become the girls lounger, which they claimed before I had a choice. It is made of vinyl so it is very easy to clean if there are accidents on it and the best part is, it matches our couch set so it works with our furniture ;). I need more fill. It is so large that it requires at least 4 bags of fill that I found at Walmart. Here is a snap from this evening of the girls having a moment of down time before heading up for their bedtime routine. Pretty big, huh?

Thursday, September 9, 2010
365 / Day 52 ~ Soup in a Cup
I finally found the secret to get my daughter to eat soup. Soup in a cup with a fun straw! She had her 4 year shots yesterday and was complaining of a soar throat today and had a bit of a temperature so soup seemed like an excellent idea. She was excited to meet her teacher this afternoon though and was sad to go after our meeting. She really likes her new teacher and is looking forward to meeting all the new children next week, so much so that she wanted me to pack her snack bag tonight. I didn't get a typical back to school photo today because it wasn't her first day of school. Next week will be when the tears come for me and I will be armed with my camera to capture the moment. How did 4 years slip by us so quickly!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
365 / Day 51 ~ Self Portrait
Being surrounded with my family, my children and my husband, I am never alone. Marriage with children and the act of growing up really divides life and time when things were more simple and thoughts could be thought out without interruption, books could be read, gourmet meals attempted, time was taken for granted and the future held a question mark. Now, it is not about me anymore. I love this stage but get frustrated and often feel like I am losing myself. I know it is such a short time and try to savor ever moment with my children while they are so little. I will miss it when they don't need me as much anymore but just wish that there was a better balance for myself, my relationship and them. Raising a family is not easy.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
365 / Day 50 ~ Apple Picking
We had a nice visit with Grandma Black this evening. The girls and I picked some more apples to make some apple sauce with from their trees and had a chance to roam around the corn fields to show Madison the giant corn stalks. It was a nice calm evening and we had a good visit.

Madison enjoyed her very first apple picking experience last night at her Grandma and Grandpa's home in the country.

Abby was so proud of her baby sister. In this photo she was saying "Good Girl Madison!"

Madison enjoyed her very first apple picking experience last night at her Grandma and Grandpa's home in the country.

Abby was so proud of her baby sister. In this photo she was saying "Good Girl Madison!"

Monday, September 6, 2010
365 / Day 49 ~ School Time
Labour day...the last day before the week of school. We enjoyed a visit with friends this afternoon and a walk after the rain for fresh air. I grabbed my camera as an opportunity to get my 365 photo. The girls were having fun puddle jumping. This photo was rather timely and perfect for the upcoming days. Big milestones for all three. One will be taking the bus for the first time and the other two will be starting their very first year in JK together. Sigh...where did the last 4 years go?! I think the slow entry to JK is more for the parents then the kids if you ask me ;).

Sunday, September 5, 2010
365 / Day 48 ~ Home Projects
This weekend with the chill that has descended upon us, we decided to stay home and putter. Matt started building a platform deck in the back yard for a little purchase that is being delivered this week(!!!!). Since having a young family our annual big trip that we used to do has all but stopped and we have been frugal with where we do go. Going on a trip with a toddler and preschooler is not relaxing so our trips have been close to home. We decided to bring a little oasis to us all year round to make up for it and hopefully in the next year or two we can get back on board with exploring the world as a family and the girls will appreciate it more. Here are a couple of snaps of the project in action. This brings me back to the days when I used to follow my dad around all the time and help him with his projects.

Saturday, September 4, 2010
365 / Day 47 ~ Pancakes! Yum
I'm so thankful for my family today. Matt made us some delicious pancakes for breakfast. A great way to start a windy, chilly day. Today I have been sorting closets and getting Abby organized for back to school. Most of our summer clothing is being put in storage for another year. We looked out this morning and noticed that our neighbour already closed up their pool. Sigh...if that isn't a sign that summer is coming to an end, I don't know what is. I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend!

Friday, September 3, 2010
365 / Day 46 ~ Sleepy Girl
Madison was having a cuddle after her nap with her favorite doll from Crazy Baby Accessories. This doll was a present from me for her first birthday. She has been sleeping with her arms wrapped around it for months now. It is her friend when she wakes up and we can hear her have many conversations with it when she first gets up.

My happy girl! xoxo

When we first moved here three years ago you could see the roof top of the house behind us. The trees grew so much this year that you can barely see that there is a house there now.

My happy girl! xoxo

When we first moved here three years ago you could see the roof top of the house behind us. The trees grew so much this year that you can barely see that there is a house there now.

Thursday, September 2, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
365 / Day 44 ~ The Subject of Time
Time is a funny thing. We either feel its presence looming over us like a child waiting for that final school bell to ring after a long day, or it slips through our fingers like sand, escaping our grasp and feeling like life has been set to fast forward.
Why discuss time today? Last night I got a call from a friend with some sad news. Her best friends husband passed away unexpectedly. He was so young, just 32 years old and died of tear in an artery that caused heart failure. He leaves behind his wife (my friends best friend) and a 4 month old baby. I can't help but feel their pain. My husband is 32 years old. It seems so unreal and so close to home. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family and my friend for their loss.

I can write so much more in relation to time and untimeliness but think I will leave it for now.
Why discuss time today? Last night I got a call from a friend with some sad news. Her best friends husband passed away unexpectedly. He was so young, just 32 years old and died of tear in an artery that caused heart failure. He leaves behind his wife (my friends best friend) and a 4 month old baby. I can't help but feel their pain. My husband is 32 years old. It seems so unreal and so close to home. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family and my friend for their loss.

I can write so much more in relation to time and untimeliness but think I will leave it for now.
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